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Old 03-15-2004, 08:31 PM   #1
jvastine should edit this
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Default New To The Boatrd

Hello XNations!

I have been aware of this board for well over a year, but never had the time or opportunity to check it out. Then Don Soporno offered me an invite, so I thought that I would take him up on is offer and stop by and see what's going on here & what industry members hsng here. As for me, I have been in and around the adult biz since '98. At that time I was functioning mainly as a programmer doing contract work. After awhile & a few unfortunate circumstances, I grew tired of making other people wealthy, so now I am developing my own network of sites and taking the time to develop some AI site/program engines and bring to life several ideas that I have sat on for some time. Apart from that, there is not much to tell. My home is AdultNetSurprise, where I am an ANS Advisor & chat moderator. So, what's up folks?
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