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Old 03-15-2004, 10:11 PM   #16
MoonKitn should edit this
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Everyone is capable of love, IMO, StuartD.

Some are just incapable of defining it on the terms of the status quo. And what's wrong with that?

There's nothing wrong with challenging convention, but I think it would be realistic to expect it to take a bit longer to find "the one," if that's what you're expecting to find...

But, patience is a virtue and the next thing you know, one day that perfect girl comes along. Or that imperfect girl, perfect enough to your heart to soften your expectations.. then...


There you are in love! And not just a 15 minute stint.... because its real... because you were emotionally mature enough to realize that you can't push the river.

The pure and natural happens purely and naturally. If you let it.

Another way of looking at it: Maybe its the grasping desperately at an empty love time after time that should be viewed in the fatalistic terms of, "What if?"

What if everyone just grabs the first person they get a hard on for; marrying time upon time, rearing children with no stability and no chance to form a solid identity in the midst of divorce, poverty, dometic violence??? I think we see "what if" going on around us daily... but that's another topic... ( and of course porn is 100% to blame... hahaha! lol. )

I think you are on the right and honest track for you. That doesn't make you "incapable" of anything...

Wow... there is so much I could say on this. lol. But I don't say much and when I do I tend to put my foot in my mouth so...

I'm getting off the soap box now. lol.

Anyway, I've seen your posts across the boards and your willingness to help others... I really don't think you have anything to worry about ...
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