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Old 10-09-2002, 04:35 PM   #33
Horg should edit this
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I agree with everything that is being said in here 100%. These people are sick fucks and the little girls are either :
1. forced to do this, which is inaceptable
2. doing this for the money, in which case they are not worth more than the psychos taking pictures of them.
I can't believe what people will do for fucking money. The population is getting sickier (in the head) each year it seems. If sites like that exist it's because people look for content like that. It's not the people producing this kind of content which are the worse, it's the people looking for it, and it's them who should die long agonizing deaths (that applies to you too EvilChriss if you enjoy underage digital, not because you are the big boss here that you can do what you want, understood ? ).
Le Horg
"Real men don't wank!"
TinyMeat Productions
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