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Old 03-16-2004, 11:54 AM   #1
123Jason should edit this
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Default joke

A conservative midwestern businessman travels to Las Vegas for a few days on business. Although timid, he decides to gamble a little bit of money. Much to his surprise, he hits a HUGE jackpot and becomes an instant multi-millionaire! The casino puts him up in the VIP penthouse suite and the bellboy attends to his every need. Before leaving, the bellboy asks if there's anything else the man needs. The man shyly asks the boy to send up a girl to keep him company.

15 or 20 minutes later there's a knock on the door. The man opens the door to a stunning vision of beauty, the likes of which he has never seen before. The gorgeous woman politely asks to come in and the man, nerves and knees shaking in the presence of such a godess, fixes her a drink. As they drink and chat the man starts to become relaxed and finally works up the nerve to ask her,
"How much do you charge for a hand-job?"

"$800" she says.

Completely taken aback by the staggering fee he asks,
"$800?!?!?! Don't you think that's a lot just for a hand-job?"

The woman gets up and walks over to the window overlooking the Vegas strip. She beckons the man to follow and he does. Pointing to a building far below she asks him,
"Do you see that restaurant down there?"


"I own that restaurant just from all the hand-jobs I've given."

The man figures she must be really good, and already knows shes beautiful. He decides to go for it...he does have money to burn after all. He gives her the money and she gives him an incredible hand-job. After a mind-altering orgasm, better than any he'd had in his entire sheltered life, they decide to have another drink or two and relax for a while.

After some time had passed the man decided to ask
"How much for a blow-job?"


"$1500?!?!?!? Are you kidding me?"

"Come to the window sweetie...you see that hotel down there on the strip...I own that hotel just from all the blow-jobs I've given."

Needless to say, you only live once and this man decided now was his time for living! He gave her the money and she gave him a blow-job that was so incredible the man passed out from cumming so hard!

When he came to, as he was catching his breath, he said
"Not that I could handle any more tonight, but just out of curiosity, how much would you charge for some pussy?"

She replied
"Oh hunny....if I had a pussy I'd own the whole damn strip!"
Jason Stuve
Marketing Director, 123BILL Toll Free 1-866-BILL-123 | ICQ #233969317
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