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Old 10-09-2002, 06:17 PM   #43
Shann should edit this
Queen Bish
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i am almost speechless after reading that article. What chance will these girls have at a normal life when they ARE 18? What is left for them to do next? And this is all with parental consent? Are these parent's giving consent for these girl's to be molested by sleazy photographers, give them hand jobs or WHATever???

I was in shock when i read that the girl in the first picture, was just 13. Is it that she looks so much older or is it the way she is posed? Don't see poses likethat in the Sears catalog do you. For good fucking reason too.

I have looked at sites and questioned the age of the women depicted on the tours with some companies. If I don't like it, i will not promote it and I will not keep my mouth shut either.

As far as this non nude modelling being a gateway to mainstraeam modelling............ sounds like women in porn looking to break into mainstream Hollywood. NOT fucking likely. I don't recall Traci Lords being nominated for an Oscar, did I miss that somehow?

And thank you Aly for posting that info about ASACP. It is something I definately want to be involved in.

I have a daughter, and over my fucking DEAD BODY would i allow that. She too looks much older and at 11 years old and 5'6 I see grown men looking at her and it makes me want to tear their heads off. She has told older boys that show interest in her "I am only 11". Any parent who allows these seductive pictures to be taken of their children, and no matter how fast they grow up now and how the media is twisted their minds, they are STILL CHILDREN, should have their kids removed from their homes and be charged with abuse.

Is there anything anymore that is sacred???

Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
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