AudreyLive i got some need ideas i would love to share with you in a private forum. Heheh
qwebecexpo - thanks again for your help with my avatar.
PrincessX- AHahhaa ow can you not love you. Why didnt you tellme you started your new job? Im so hurthehehe. We are going to Rip the expo apart.
Funbrunette- Thanks baby and the new pics of Ryan are awesome.
Ok now for Part 2
How to make the seminars work for you.
I’m an easy going guy as most of you know. It’s not a requirement to hit every seminar but I do expect you to at least hit one. It’s the seminars to early for you then it shows you just how serious you are about making in this biz. Wake the fuck up we are all hung over.
Grab a water, shut your cell phone off and get ready.
Wake up and get their early and observe who comes in. These are the same people that you can make friends with and learn together or can come to for help. Sit in the front and the center, This isn’t high school where throwing paper airplanes from the back is cool. When the speakers see who is their early it shows passion and support. They are much more willing to help and may remember you and make give you that inside info, tip or deal. You just never know.
I want you to sit by yourself or sit beside someone you don’t know. This is only one hour of your time and I want you to focus.
Leave you laptop at the room I know you just got it and it has a 33 inch monitor and is brand new but you simply cant keep up typing. Often speaker jump topic to topic even speaker to speaker and hand written notes are the best. The time my notes are done it’s a mass of arrows, stats and short form.
If a question comes up leave you hand down. Save you question for later for it will ruin the flow of the presentation.
OK now the seminar is over you not quite done wait around 3 minutes and personally thank the speaker and ask your question then. Often speakers are doing it for free and a lil thank you is all they need. And now you created a new bond and I bet you got a lot more than your questions answered.
Tomorrow’s Lesson
PARTIES- Is this where the real biz gets done??
Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549