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Old 10-09-2002, 11:20 PM   #51
Shann should edit this
Queen Bish
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The first time I saw KP I was working in an office for a major co and clicked in a webmaster sign up. I went into the bathroom and almost vomitted and quit my job on the spot. I stood in that bathroom and re-evaluated my job. These were very young girls being exploited. You can't vote, you can't drive, you cant' drink but you can pose nude or in suggestive poses? That is ALL wrong.

That was 2 years ago, and I now have decided to be FAR more pro-active in drawing lines of distinction. Emailing MTV about banning Britnety Spears videos ain't gonna cut it. These people need to be stopped in a big way. Everyone has a cause, and fuck this seems a damn good one. I can get over some women being exploited and pretending they like spunk in their eyes, but THIS is not acceptable.

Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
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