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Old 03-18-2004, 04:49 PM   #9
Dwreck should edit this
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Jim I so remember that night in Mexico at least the gave you his jacket. hahaha.

Here's Part 3

Parties!! Is this where’s all deals are made??

Ok first off it’s a party so rock out for sure. Have fun, be prepared for lots of guys and I mean lots. So that means a lot of testosterone. Beware.

The rooms costs lots of money and I don’t know why I have to say this but it isn’t a frat house. Ash in the proper spot, piss in the toilet and not the bath tab. Webmasters think they sent the sponsor joins he can drink and destroy the place. We are behind the 8 ball working in this industry so let’s try to maintain some level of decency.

The Introduction.

I don’t know who the fuck you are. I’m half drunk I just was at seminars all day ,sunburnt and in new place. So introduce yourself I would love to meet you. But still be proactive at the same time Let’s do into detail.

The Introduction

You better have this nailed down. The person has shook hands with 200 people before how are you going to stick out? You got three seconds to leave a permanent marker on this person. This is how. A genuine smile, strong eye contact then introduce yourself … state you’re real name first/last, your company then if you think your some sorta board celebrity stat your alias. All this is done while the handshake is taking place. DO not let go until you are done you introduction, that way the person in 100% focused on you and if the music is blaring and he may be pulled in three different directions but he cant brush you off cause you are holding on to him.

The handshake- I personally use a three tier system. Don’t overlook this it’s a physical bond you have with that person. It’s a deadly tool.
The standard handshake- make sure hand are dry and it’s strong shake firm with authority. Cold and clammy hands are signs that the person did E the night before. Mosy common.
The double handshake- it’s when you cover the other persons hand with yours so your actually using both hands for the shake . This is great when your meeting new people for the first time and it’s not used very often so it’s a great way to get yourself remembered. My personal fav
The handshake/half hug- this is done but shakeing with one hand and pulling it in ever so slightly and doing a half hug with the other hand. If you think this is gay then you are in the wrong biz go back to Wallmart. This greeting is used less and save it for the right time. This seems all remedial for me but no one seems to do it. The effect a genuine hug male/female in prices less.
Once the handshake is complete hand him your card in a manner that makes him actually look at it.

I once had a guy at the saw a guy a Toronto webmaster Summit . I never met the guy so I went up to him introduced myself and he gave me a half smile then said he was cyber whatever and had a certain thousand posts on GFY and hands me quikie mart card. Don’t be that guy. I never laughed so hard in a long time. I would like to thank that guy for making me smile that night.

Ok now if someone comes up to you ask for a card and repeat his/her name out loud when you are looking at the card so you make a visual and a audio reference. We need to remember this person and it’s not that hard if you make a physical refence as well look at a certain piece of clothing or jewelry and comment on that on a later date. Its interest that you are interested in their bussness. They would be more like to incline to hook you up (taffic, content, hosting etc) then next more so then if you’re like….Didn’t meet you at the topcbucks party Todd?And he goes no it was a the CE party and the name is Phil. Also if someone introduces them self to you and you’re sitting down. STAND up show the person the respect he derivers for coming up to you in a crowed party. Are you picking up what Im putting down?

Personally thanks the party sponsors. I hate that I have to remind people to do this. Find out who’s sponsoring it and approach them. You may likely get a few free drinks tickets out of that. Make a spefic comment in regards to the party more so then THANKS DUDE THIS ROCKS… something like I like how you have three bars set up there is no line s that way or the security was really cool. This is a great way to get a conversation going with the party sponsor who in most cases has a little bit more money than you.

DO NOT talk biz after 12 am. People are drunk. You got false promises, drunken talk and all of a sudden webmasters have so much traffic he doesn’t know what to do with it. This goes for everyone. If you really need to talk to a guy seeing him half cut at a party at 1 am may not be in your best interest. A good place to touch base and have a few drinks and feel him/her out. Set up a time the following day.

Don’t make the mistake of hanging out with same 20 people from the trade shows circuit or your icq buddies. I’m not saying to ditch your friends but some people get in their inner circle of friends talk among themselves and wonder why the show wasn’t profitable for them or their company. Have a balance.

Everyone will say all the deals are done at the parties. Well that’s not entirely true. Don’t limit it to im going to stay sober and hit all the parties and see what happens. The lobby to the hotel is a jack pot for meeting people from your *hitless* and the local hotel watering hole. Find out where that is and check that out. Where’s the t business done then? It’s done in our next segment which I will call my POST SHOW WRAP UP
Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549
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