Webgurl are you making fun of your future roomate? hehe
XXXManager will you be there?
baddog bring a change of clothes that's all I Ask. hehehe
OK the Final Part
Post show Wrap up.
This where the magic happens so here’s how to benefit. At this point your overwhelmed and your all excited. I get like that too and I get in a mad rush to get back on the computer and hit everyone up as fast as possible. I used to do that and I got poor results. I used to have 50 icq windows open a mass of emails that haven’t complete or sent and between calls both personal and bizness wise I was a mess. I couldn’t understand why I had bad results when I was thinking I was a mover and a shaker. So I started doing what I call the Sniper Method. I will explain more first off goto you’re local Staples and buy a bizness card holder and organize your cards in them. They look like a cd magazine holder. That way you can see first hand who you met and what you talked about. Not what is the sniper method? Simply put you pick them off one by one till you get a deal close. Start adding their icq numbers, email address and phone numbers. Now open a corresponding spreadsheet and insert their name and what felid they fall under (content, traffic, trades, hosting, legal etc) and hit them up one my one. In your spreadsheet mark the times/dates and result of the conversation. I recommend starting small and sending out 15 emails, calls, icq’s and do not contact the next 15 until you have a concrete answer. Your response rate will be poor not to worry my friend it show’s you who’s serious and/or they just haven’t got back yet. Don’t take it personal.
Follow up Follow up Follow up- This is the single most important thing you can do.
If you send a single email and hope that he’s going to get back your wrong. He/she accidentally deleted it, Misplaced it or lost it in a crash so be prepared to email until you get some sort of reply. Start your emails pretty casual yet professional then talk about the trip, where you met, and what you discussed. Add a personal touch to you emails.
In regards to follow up I needed a tgp designed . So I made a post on a message board last week . I was going to use first person that emailed me and said hey Derek I saw your post and I would like to design a tgp for you here’s my portfolio. That simple cost was not a factor. I got a ton of replies in my thread but how many emailed me? NONE!! It’s been a week how many have checked back to see if I got what I needed? NONE. Show that your hungry. So I called my good buddy up Stevecore and he got the job and he wasn’t even looking for it.
Well there you have it. You wont find traffic secrets but you found out how to successfully market yourself which is often overlooked and is just important as a htaccess file.
Thank you for reading this and I look forward to seeing you at the next show. Please add your own comments and tips so we cal all learn together.
Im not done yet I have a few lil mics tips all webmaster should know as well.
Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549