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Old 10-10-2002, 05:25 PM   #63
Hashishan should edit this
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Originally posted by Horg

You should be anti-MTV then. Popular culture right now is based on sex and violence. I have nothing against sex, and nothing against violence in medias, as long as they are used with a purpose, but that's another very big debate. Most of the video clips we see on tv are from rappers with dozens of nameless babes in bikini (and with hard titties to be more suggestive), sluts like Spears and Aguilera, and violent wannabees like Limp Bizkit. Whether they know it or not, they are influencing a lot of people, the same way public radio was influencing people listening to it when it first appeared. They don't have any responsabilities anymore, and what's even worse is that teens follow the trend like sheeps. My kids will only be able to watch Star Wars me says !
very true

"get all you can today kids, dont leave anything for tomorrow"

color me pessimistic, the future looks pretty bleak
dont look here
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