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Thread: I miss the 80's
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Old 03-23-2004, 09:02 PM   #15
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I loved the 80's! It was a great time to be a teen. I had so much fun. Madonna ruled right along with all the "hair bands", European bands, and MTV actually played videos. I loved the Headbangers Ball and The Young Ones. Shows like Miami Vice, KnightRider, Magnum PI... Porky's was another great movie.

The 80's were all about having fun. The music was fun. The Seattle grunge scene hadn't hit yet. None of the really depressing music crap that hit the main scene in the early 90's. Even the rap music was fun and cheesy. Aerosmith came back to life. People made a ton of money easily. The clothes and hairstyles were quite colorful. Hair spray manufacturer's made billions in the 80's. Jordache jeans and wearing layers of colored socks was a big thing. I still have to laugh when I think of all the goofy hairstyles and outfits I wore.

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