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Old 03-25-2004, 04:29 AM   #1
wsjb78 should edit this
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Default Letter To The Democratic National Committee

Dear DNC:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak my mind. I lost my job this past year.

When Clinton was president, I worked in a prosperous enterprise. But! in the last year, we had to close our operations.

Far worse, I lost two of my sons in Bush's evil war in Iraq. They gave their lives for their country, and for what? My pain of losing my sons is indescribable. While it is trivial next to the loss of my sons, I regret to say that I also lost my homes. I simply have nothing left.

I am a senior citizen with various medical problems. I'm not in a position where I can begin a new career. I was reduced to the point where I was homeless, all because of President Bush.

And when the authorities found me, did they have any compassion for my misfortune and ailments? No, I was arrested. If I had any money left, I would donate it to the Democratic party. If Al Gore had been elected in 2000, I guarantee you, I would still have a job, a home, and most importantly, my sons!

Saddam Hussein
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