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Old 08-31-2002, 05:03 PM   #42
Darin should edit this
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If I told you what I do, I'd have to kill you.

heeee.... Im 32, married with a gorgeous daughter, I live and work at home here in Las Vegas... I work for my money sucking, high maintenance, constantly bitching, pain in the ass wife.

No really.. lol - Im a developer of dreams.. if you can dream it up, I can build it or put together a team to build it.

I've worked on everything from automation systems to billing software, building isps, search engine spider technology, spam filtering server software, 3d video games, and of course web software. My previous 'job' was a chief technology officer for a 3d datamining company in London. ( london sucks )

I was in adult years back when the money was easy and almost everyone making money was an asshole punk kid prick. It's nice to see things have changed.

Im the owner of WaxKitty.com and a new TGP/PICPOST Hybrid site I just created PremiumBabes.com.

I also run a mainstream search directory from which I suck my traffic, and a few other things you don't want to know about :P

If anyone is ever coming to Las Vegas, give me a ring and we will hookup and do lunch. Vegas is a great place to live and work (no state taxes) so any companies in this industry thinking of moving here, jump on it. Lots of action here lately for our types of business.
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