Re: Rules for Men!
I am so upset now FB, in fact, I really thought that this reply would make me laugh, or realise how important it is to have a real woman make her own rules like this.
I found these rules for males too difficult to take in and that makes me very sad. In fact I am sitting here sulking over rule number 15. A male partner cannot live next to his woman partner with non-achievable rules like that. It really hurts to think woman make up rules like such here before us today. I read these rules again and again before I could type this, but all I have to say is this.
I think you could be nicer about the rules and add something about the sex rule. In fact there is nothing at all in there about sex. Also where is the golden rule that the male should at all times never give his woman a Dutch oven in bed. (Do I need to explain what that is?)
I think a good over the knee spanking is in order for you FB. You have been a very bad lady, and perhaps the Dutch oven treatment is in order!
Enjoy your day Ladies, as no males I know can live with such rules like that!