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Old 03-26-2004, 11:38 AM   #22
FrankieP should edit this
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Wow those are some pretty brisk words there. lol

We've all been there. Your in the middle of your stroke and she says NO!

WHY does she say NO?

1. She just realized she left a roast in the oven?

2. Just thought about what her friends are going to say?

3. She realized she didn't take her pill today?

4. Right about then you are tapping her belly button from the inside out? "No" not so deep you beast.

5. No! Can we stop I need a smoke?

6. No! Stop!!!! Oh just kidding keep going ?

7. No Stop your hitting the wrong spot.

8. No Stop Just had a thought about how black and how rich the mother fucker is. I got ya?

9. Feel free to stop me at anytime. Cut and paste your own.

10. NO stop I'm gonna be sick.

11. No NO NO YES YES YES NO NO NO Im gonna fuckin CUM NO NO NO I can't control my body, NO NO No why am I shaking like this HOLY FUCK!

12. I looooooove you.
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