Originally posted by sweet7
will this have any negative repercussions for current iBill users or potential iBill users?
There may be some obscure negative repercussions, but the positive effects of this deal is unlimited.
Since the company was acquired by PENTHOUSE, a some 40-year old company with a brand image as large as PLAYBOY's, this is a fantastic thing. Not will will iBILL be able to leverage the name that PENTHOUSE has, but PENTHOUSE will be able to leverage the extensive database of consumers that iBILL has. How does this affect you at the end of the day?
Easy, a better, more understanding relationship between credit billing and adult-entertainment web sites.
A true win-win situation. Considering that NO BANK in their right mind does billing for adult websites because of the high charge back rates, the cost of the company is reasonable. Let's face it, Intercept is not a dumb group of people, I'm sure there is more to this than meets the eye.
So at the end, iBill will continue to grow on it's 2,000,000,000+ in billing transactiosn every year and so will Penthouse. Very good in my opinion...