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Old 03-27-2004, 07:01 PM   #6
executive should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Mar 2004
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LOL, not spam, just giving my thoughts on a very large acquisition in an industry that seems to be run by a group of inefficient people.

Just a little 101 from waht I understand, the company that is bankrupt is General Media Communications ("PENTHOUSE MAGAZINE") not the parent company, Penthouse International ("PI"). PI seems to be more of a holding company than a porn distributor such as Penthouse Magaizne is. I like to think of Penthouse International going in a way that's going to consolidate the porn industry. Speaking about consolidation, let's think of the actions already taken place:
1. PI is parent of Penthouse Magazine
2. PI is parent of iBill
3. PI is using the Penthouse Magazine leg to license out its Penthouse mark for use in live entertainment clubs.
4. Penthouse Magazine is building a huge resort in Mexico.

Putting this all together, they have (1) an online division, (2) a print division, (3) a live-entertainment division, and now, a (4) a billing division. THis is quite inclusive and impressive. I may be the first, but I have faith in this...

Originally posted by Mister X
^^^ Can you say spam anyone? Lol.

It's probably a bit scary for anyone with iBill seeing as the company has been rumoured to be on the edge of folding for at least a year and now they get picked up by a company that has had some pretty huge financial troubles of it's own. For sure I won't rush to sign up until I'm pretty damn sure that there are no more problems. On the plus side they have the Penthouse name going for them. But will that have any drawing power with webmasters?
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