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Old 03-30-2004, 03:13 PM   #3
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Default Re: Make fun of YOURSELF

Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'll start...

OK, so like tonight eh? I'm going to be oot and aboot a bit before I stop at the depanneur for a six of Molson, then it's straight home in time to catch the game, eh?

ohh alright Chris, you asked for it!

I can certainly remember but fortunately never understood why it happened to myself. I shall come out and just say it. "I am really good in bed!" infact so good in bed that I have woken up with more than one smily stamp on my forehead. I have broken the bed head, I have cracked the bed frame. I have split a water bed, I have torn sheets, ripped pillow covers off the pillows. I have farted so hard in bed, not only I had to dry clean the sheets, infact I hired a carpet cleaner to clean up the bottom base of the bed, the mattress was totaled. That's the last time I eat a whole packet of chocolate bullets before bed......

yeah yeah yeah!, I once shit the bed!
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