Originally posted by Panky
TMJ (tempro mandibular joint)
EAM (External Acoustic Meatus)
ANS (Anterior Nasal Spine)
ALL (Anterior Longitudinal Ligament)
ASL (Anterior Sacroiliac Ligament)
PML (Palmar Metacarpal Ligaments)
(PCL Palmar carpometacarpal Ligaments)
PUL (Palmar Ulnocarpal Ligaments)
PRL (Palmar Radiocarpal Ligaments)
MOS (Manubrium Of Sternum)
HOH (Head Of Humerus)
BOS (Body Of Sternum)
ASL (Anterior Sacrococcygeal Ligaments)
MPR (Medial Patellar Retinaculum)
LPR (Lateral Patellar Retinaculum)
TPR (Tibial Patellar Retinaculum)
FCL (Fibular Collateral Ligament)
HOF (Head Of Fibula)
ATL (Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament)
ATL (Anterior Talofibular Ligament)
DTL (Dorsal Tarsometatarsal Ligaments)
DML (Dorsal metatarsal Ligaments)
LCB (Lateral Cuneiform Bone)
TOT (Trochlea Of Talus)
HOT (Head Of Talus)
MCB (Medial Cuneiform Bone)
ICB (Intermediate Cuneiform Bone)
MUL (Medial Umbilical Ligament)
RBC(Red Blood Cells)
WBC (White Blood Cells)