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Old 10-11-2002, 11:35 AM   #73
Horg should edit this
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Originally posted by gregtx

and ya ended up being a pornographer... hehe ;-))
Yup hehe
But notice that my parents did not stop me from watching sexy stuff. Of course they would not have let me watch a porno at 12, but they were pretty open minded when it came to sexuality and thought me all I needed to know and explained it too. They were not the ones shy about talking about it, it was me hehe
I remember when I was a teen, maybe 15 or 16, my mom took a book about teens at the library and it was refering to masturbation in it and she asked us (my twin brother and I) if we started doing it already (with a big smile cause she knew we were shy about it, and was not expecting an answer from us anyway), and my dad yelled from the other room "I HOPE YOU GUYS DO". hehe
I think that day I figured that masturbation was not a bad thing.
Le Horg
"Real men don't wank!"
TinyMeat Productions
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