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Old 04-01-2004, 04:49 AM   #11
monaro should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Amber
I'm a city girl, now living in the country,
but I ain't quite sure how it's effected me...

The other day, I had to stop in the middle of the road to let a Turkey cross (for REAL!). The directions to my house are "take a Right at the Dudley Mart and Rest stop, Right at the old oak tree, Left at the end of the farm's fence...pass the black and brown spotted cows, Right at the 2nd gravel road and I'm the only paved driveway for miles, (for REAL!). Looking at local real estate for sale, I found a $500,000 beautiful home on 68+ acres...that INCLUDED a pig and a horse (for REAL!). My neighbors, several acres away, shoot guns off relentlessly on holidays? (for REAL!). Trucks around here actually have bumper stickers with confederate flags that read, "heritage not hate" (for REAL!)...and when walking out of the grocery store the other night, there was a dead bloody deer on the top of someone's car who was inside shopping (for REAL!)

Why do I live here you ask? Because my home is on a beautiful lake with 500 miles of shoreline that's tucked among the Blue Ridge Mountians and I was OVER city life.

That is really nice. Just to be away from all the smoke and traffic and to be able to sit by under a tree and operate a laptop connected to the internet via a moble phone while looking out over towards the Blue Ridge Mountians.

If one could be in your shoes, I wish it would be me. Have a really great day@!
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