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Old 04-02-2004, 04:49 PM   #17
monaro should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Panky
I have this recurring dream of being stalked / hunted. I don't know who it is, but I know they are there. I can sense their presence. Various events take place, but inevitably, a chase will begin. I always will just suddenly wake up. I find myself sitting straight up, heart pounding, and looking around the room until I come to my senses and realize I'm in bed. I'll get comfy under my blankets again and try to go back to sleep. It takes a bit to fall asleep and even then I'm afraid to actually sleep because of the fear the dream will just continue where it left off. I probably need to consult a shrink.

Dr Monaro here, panky, come and lay down and tell us all about those little white men and their straight jackets. You know they might just have one that suites your size my friend
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