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Old 04-04-2004, 12:15 AM   #1
Evil Chris
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Exclamation Quality vs Quantity

I saw this posted at another board, and I thought how much it fits for XNations. Please read on....

In todays industry, there has been a mad rush to the lowest common denominator. This includes not only the takeover of TGPs, but also in webmaster boards.

XNations will not start paying for posts or giving prizes away for any and everything. The occasional contest is good enough. You will not see a "token system" installed here. We do not want XNations filled with nothing but useless posts, or overrun by kiddies who want to talk about nailing chicks and smoking pot. As it is now, some webmasters only come by here when we run a contest.

In my opinion XNations has been and always will be about QUALITY.

The big question is, can Quality overcome Quantity? Can XNations survive in todays busniess environment by focusing on Quality?

If so, how can we emphasize the quality and start attracting other quality webmasters?

How can we improve on the quality of XNations?

I am convinced that no matter what the FAD is, quality is most important to the longevity of something and will always overcome in the end.

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