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Old 04-04-2004, 06:20 AM   #4
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Dr. Monaro, it's not about that. You have actually taken the time out to help more than one member of XNations. You help out often. Sometimes, you may not even realize that you are doing it. This is where the quality is. We like you because you are you.

Many XNations members offer their help to other members, for a variety of reasons. It's cool and very much appreciated. Whether the person looking for help says "thank you" or not, I appreciate it.

The evil one asked some very important questions. Ones that can not be easily answered. Here's my thoughts on this issue...

XNations can achieve both quality and quantity, meanwhile maintaining the values set forth since the beginning of this board.

It will not happen overnight, but it can be done. XNations is still a fairly young board with a lot of room to grow. Personally, we are off to a pretty damn good start. I'm quite proud to call XNations my home.

I stand by Chris 100% on his views of not implementing "token systems", paying for posts, all the new and latest gimmicks, or giving away prizes just for breathing, which is what some boards seem to be doing.

Some suggestions... (no particular order)
  • Change the newsletter to be more informative / useful

    Feature tutorials and articles and then open them up for discussion. Members can write them and have them as a sticky post for (x) amount of time or as part of the newsletter...

    Keep the sig sizes under control. (Sigs aren't a problem here, but it is something to monitor for potential abuse)

    Add some forums for specific topics, if there is enough requests and interest.

I know there is more rattling around my head, but it's 6AM and I haven't been to bed yet.

There is others who implement the suggestions I made. It's nothing new, but it is new for us.

Please take some time and give us some feedback. Tell us the positives and the negatives and any ideas or requests you may have.

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