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Thread: NHL Season!
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Old 04-05-2004, 08:18 AM   #50
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
Xnations Voice of Reason
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Cpak? Seeeepaaaack? Are you out there?

Care to read this thread over this again and offer up props to someone other than your team? Namely ME!

The only thing I was wrong about at the start of this season about Anaheim was HOW bad they would be. I thought they might at least contend for a playoff spot. Whoa, was I wrong. But, not as wrong as YOU.

My playoff predictions? While it IS possible we'll see an all-Canadian cup final in Ottawa VS Vancouver, it's far more likely we'll see Ottawa VS either Detroit or Dallas.

P.S. Yes folks, the Leafs will STILL crumble. PROBABLY out after one round, but definitely out by the second. Big changes coming for the Leafs in the off-season, with or without a lockout.

(Thread still bookmarked to laugh at the Leafs boosters)
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