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Old 04-05-2004, 02:50 PM   #10
LaughingEyes should edit this
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The big question is, can Quality overcome Quantity? Can XNations survive in todays busniess environment by focusing on Quality?

The pay to post plan is probably the worst thing to come to webmaster boards. It brings out the nonsense, nuisance posters. Some boards have gotten so far away from the main purpose of a webmaster board...to conduct business, learn, and network. There was a time when I stopped reading and posting all together. I now read and post on very few boards simply because there just isn't anything worth replying to. I'm not saying that every post needs to be business related, a little mindless banter is good for the spirit. But, I am attracted to boards that remember the reason for there being webmaster boards. I starve for new information, new ideas, and new directions. I, like most people in this business, got involved to make money. I have yet to see anyone make a living from posting at a nickel a pop.

Improvement comes from remembering the basics. Why webmaster boards were created to start with. Remember when everybody shared information? Remember the days when you could pose a question about webmastering and people broke their necks to answer you, to help?

Evil Chris, you have a good thing going here. But that is no surprise, you have always been a class act. And I like it here. I don't post much, but I do read everyday
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