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Old 04-05-2004, 06:02 PM   #13
Brad Mitchell
Brad Mitchell should edit this
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I have a suggestion regarding the continued commitment to quality, perhaps something unique.

On some type of regular basis how about you guys invite over some company owner and ask him 20 questions or to just write something instructional and informational about what they do. Perhaps an affiliate program owner could be asked over to give both their opinion and add whatever they think might be factual on a subject... anything from asking them to compare the success of traffic sent to their pages from unique text links versus those sent just by banner.

Bring in people from other places by invitation or perhaps ask the users here what more they might like to learn about. The latter of the two might be a good idea... maybe each Monday you start a thread 'What do you want to know now' and do it by consensus.

You certainly have a pulse on the industry.. perhaps as big things happen you invite over the newsmakers or culprits to answer some tough questions or inform your community about what they have going on.

If questioned on anything I'm involved in (or ever have been) I know that I'd be honored.. would not only show up but would make sure that I either told a hell of a good story OR really gave some good info, whichever was asked of me.


Owner, MojoHost | brad@mojohost.com
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