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Thread: NHL Playoffs
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Old 04-06-2004, 02:35 AM   #8
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
Xnations Voice of Reason
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Tampa over Islanders in 7 (Could be a home-ice series, but Islanders DID dominate season series)
Boston over Montreal in 6 (Easiest pick in the East by far)
New Jersey over Philidelphia in 7 (Experience and goaltending)
Ottawa over Toronto in 7 (Progression alone will take Ottawa to the Cup Final and they WILL win the cup within two years PLAY-I'm NOT a fan of Ottawa)

Detroit over Nashville in 5 (Experience alone)
San Jose over St.Louis in 7 (Close but San Jose has overachieved all year and I see it lasting at least one round into the playoffs. If I'm wrong on one series, this would be the one)
Vancouver over Calgary in 5 (Calgary's overmatched, plain and simple)
Dallas over Colorado in 6 (The closest series to pick by far, but I think Colorado's goaltending will ultimately do them in. Also, Dallas has been one of the hottest teams of late)
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