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Old 04-06-2004, 03:11 AM   #14
Vid Vicious
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Originally posted by Mister X
For me it all comes down to the bottom line folks. And it's very simple. After a recent publicity blitz we did I checked the number of visits from the different boards. The top referrer was GFY. No surprise there. And second place was basically a tie between PJs and XNations. And the margin between GFY and second place was a LOT smaller than you would think. Not even 10 percent. And GFY has probably 10 times as much traffic as Xnations. At least. PJs I am sure has at least double.

So what does that tell you about the Quality vs Quantity question?

Is a "webmaster" that is attracted to a board simply because of the freebies likely to be a successful and productive webmaster?

Giving points or cash for every post only serves to inundate the board with thousands of posts with only a smiley or, even worse, replies which make no sense and are not relevant to anything. And a lot of the "webmasters" that are attracted to boards like that are easily bored in between getting their free shit. Which leads to an over abundance of flaming and drama.

I'll take Quality.
Good point ..I'd liek to add to that .. One of the boards that pay to post (I won't mentioned whom even thought they've been around for awhile) Had someof the lowest returns from our publicity stunt ..
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