I have to say....I am fed up with all this reality BS! But I'm really disgusted that our society has become nothing more than a slew of shallow, idealistic, silicone filled

, fat sucking robots that only seem to base a person's value and importance on how they look "physically".
This is nothing more than a show to make those "insecure" women that AREN'T fortunate enough to be a part of "The Swan" even more frustrated and disgusted, that they will FOREVER be forced to look the way they look.
These shows are not helping those with self esteem, ugly duckling syndrom etc...You are merely satisfing the FEW people that are fortunate enough to be selected for the show, by awarding them an extrodinary opportunity they otherwise could probably NEVER $$$ afford to do on their own.
What about the rest of the less fortunate people that just have to sit on the sidelines and watch these transformations???!!! I don't consider this entertainment....I consider it...yet another show "rubbing it in your face"....what you "have or don't have or will never have"!
EVERY reality show I have seen....ends up coming down to ONE thing, and one thing only......SEX Appeal! Who can act, dress and gesture the biggest whore

! That seems to be the deciding factor that wins out and is you only chance of getting any vote.
How f***king pitful that the world has come to this standard of value!
I TOTALLY agree with Magnus3x, does ANYone else agree with this?