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Old 04-07-2004, 11:40 AM   #19
nanda should edit this
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Originally posted by Magnus3x
I find that Swan concept fucked up and oddly disturbing. I can't believe people want to change that much just to get some attention.

Oh ...but of course they did it for personal and self esteem reasons and not for anyone else..
I completly agree. One thing is improving your self with highlights, makeup, or nice clothes....but whenyou have to completly redo yoursel with plascti surgery that's SICK! This is happeninga ll over the world, in South America, I see so many girls with Breast and butt implants...it's the newest Huge thing! I think it's all a lack of self esteem, and getting your fat sucked out, big boobs,isn't going to resolve your self esteem problem. Beauty comes in so many shapes, sizes,c olors, I don't know why people aren't happy with what they have, or strive to be something they aren't.....to me it's all psychological, and no matter how much lipo, implants they get, they will always suffer!
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