04-07-2004, 02:04 PM
should edit this
Content, Fetish and Fun
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Hollywood, CA
Posts: 436
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Originally posted by sexymischief
ok, ya know, so, it's like the other day like, i was talking to uhhh, ya know, what's her name, she was like, ya know, like i went to that place there and i was like totally bummed when i saw like ya know, what's his name, and like then we all got together, and like went out ya know to like the mall and like had some fun, ya know... eh?
I used to hang out with this really cool girl and we were so on the same wavelength that we would talk just like this but we always knew what each other meant...
me: Hey, remember that guy at that place where we did the thing?
her: Oh, John at the Denny's where we had Robert's Birthday dinner? Yeah, what about him?
I swear, it was scary.