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Old 04-07-2004, 03:36 PM   #6
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Anyone reading or tampering with my postal mail is a federal offence. Law enforcement agents need to obtain a court order for wire tapping and some forms of surveilance. Scanning user emails should follow under the same laws and regulations.

There is other methods to obatin information to serve targeted advertising. They don't need to scan user emails to do this.

It's a huge marketing potential for advertisers, plus Google stands to profit immensely.

There's also a bigger picture. If scanning user emails becomes widely accepted by gmail users and the general public, then every company after that will begin to follow suit. There's way too much potential for abuse.

I'm not against gmail in particular. I'm against the use of technology to scan user emails, no matter what purpose it is disguised under.

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