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Old 04-09-2004, 09:00 AM   #1
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Default Bringing Quality To Xnations!

Reading Panky's reply to Quality v Quantity

For a week now a note pad to the right of my keyboard has been used only to write notes and make key factors on the word quality and how this meaning can take place with Xnations.

If I may, share with you some concerns.
We all network and relax here from time to time, and the place we mostly do this is "General Webmaster Business and Discussions"


Create folders to deliver What we need and When we need them.

- First Contact. (List of only Content, Design, Traffic, Sponsors & Hosting
Not a place to spam, a place where the information is already right
infront of us, even if it means a paid for link on this part of xnations)

- Company Interviews (SinEmpire hit the nail on the head with this one)

- Brainstorming. (where problems can be solved)

- Traffic Talk (A place to learn who to buy from, a place where the
quality of the traffic is rated from a webmaster point of view)

Like Panky replied "There is others who implement the suggestions I made. It's nothing new, but it is new for us"

It will take more than one voice to bring a higher level of Quality here to Xnations.

So please share your concern and interests that Chris has opened the can a week ago!
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