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Old 10-12-2002, 02:48 PM   #1
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Default What was the weirdest experience you had at a show

I have had many odd experiences at shows... Have you? If so let's here them...
As for me... well here's one of them.... Being that I worked for a very large company in a director position I had control over who gets traffic and who doesn't.. at least at one time I did...
I was in my hotel room and a knock came at the door. It was a girl who had been bugging me to put her sites up on the exits for trafic. After inviting her in and going through some small talk she proceeded to ask me again if I would put her up on te exits... as I was again explaining why I couldn't she proceeded to get undressed as, at the same time, telling me she'll do anything for the traffic... What do you think I did next?

Get undressed too? No, absolutely not...!
I kindly asked her to get dressed and proceeded to show her to the door... well talk about being practically attacked...

Anyway for me that was weird and strange...

What about you?

Keep on Rockin'
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