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Old 10-12-2002, 02:55 PM   #78
Horg should edit this
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Originally posted by Ounique

Horg, you have no idea how lucky you are. I grew up in a house where sex was seen as something dirty. I even got yelled at for watching Benny Hill!!! Add that to the fact that I'm gay and my parents were Catholic made things even harder. I had major issues as a young adult. It took me a long time undestand what sexuality was all about, especially my own. Wow, there's an interesting side to this conversation. From too much sexuality to not enough. I guess there is a line that you follow as a parent. I think it's best to be open about it without being exploitive. What do your parent's think of you working it this industry?
Yes I heard a lot of guys like you kill themselves because it's too hard with conservative parents and conservative neighborhoud to be a young gay male (or young lesbian I guess).

My parent's don't really like me working in this industry because it is a sexist world with exploited women. I personally never met any exploited porn girl but I'm quite sure there are lots of them. This whole thread for example is about almost exploiting kids I think. "Hey kid, how about making lots of money if I take pictures of you in your underwear?". Kids don't know what they are doing at that age... But on the other hand they know that I am only doing graphics and am not getting into trouble so they still talk to me and everything hehe. Thinking of it, I bet if I was an independant photographer doing erotic pictures (not hardcore) and creating my own picture books with my name on it they would be ok with it.
Le Horg
"Real men don't wank!"
TinyMeat Productions
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