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Old 04-12-2004, 12:41 AM   #4
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Your page weight is huge. It will take too long to load and will eat bandwidth. Get the page weight down to 80 at most. Then when you have your different thumbs and full size pics, you have room before the page becomes too heavy.

3 links to the sponsor is ok.

18 pics is good.

Thumbs are a standard size - good.

The layout is good. It's not crowded. The concept is cool.

As far as color scheme, it's personal preference. Some reviewers and surfers are going to love it, some will hate it. It's just how it is.

Change I'll to I'd.

Some basics to remember;
  • Page weight (Not too heavy. Surfers are impatient and it's a bandwidth waste if too heavy)

    Quality of images (Not too dark, not too light... Not out of focus or too compressed...)

    Full size images need to be at least 525 on the long side

    Series pics work best to get listed. Non series is ok for some TGP's. Many of them make it clear in their rules they want series only.

    Delicate balance between showing too much pink in a gallery vs. not showing enough

    Make good quality preview thumbs in different sizes for thumb TGP's. Some of them you can use their script to cut one from the gallery, or their script will select one for you. Others, you actually need to upload a thumb.

    Track your stats

    Always use the same ID and email to submit

    Don't get discouraged. Some sites take a few days to a few weeks to review. Some will review the gallery and then list you a month later. TGP takes time, but the gallery building, submitting and building a list gets easier.

You are off to a good start!

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