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Old 04-12-2004, 03:21 AM   #5
Izzy should edit this
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uuuhhhh hold on, I don't know if celibate/celibacy has more than one meaning, but I guess it does. I thought celibate meant to vow to stay unmarried, i guess it can mean that too.

OK to answer you question, in my own opinion I think that ppl nowadays do have a harder time practicing celibacy. I mean look at the ages too, you got 13 yr olds that are getting pregnant. So ya know not only are ppl more open with sexuality but they are even more open with it at very young ages, and when ya start at a young age like that you are goin to have an even harder time practicing celibacy becuz your young and stupid and prolly don't even know what celibacy means yet. Wee need to buy these kids vibrators and all that good shit, then they will live by my motto..... Who needs boys when ya got toys!! lol yea pathetic I know lol but hey it works for me! For those who are older and have a hard time practicing celibacy, well I do not know what to tell ya kiddos except to be careful and don't get yourselves in a bind.
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