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Old 04-12-2004, 05:23 PM   #1
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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Default GTS Now Has Gay Gallery Traffic 4 Sale

www.gallerytrafficservice.com has Gay T/MGP gallery traffic for sale. We are representing some of the top Gay T/MGPS with very productive traffic and xtremely affordable pricing.

Below are the sites and specs:
All sites are .com extensions.
WE LOVE COCK/ADDICTED TO COCK = wlc=75k average_atc = 20k average (95k average) TGP
Big Thumb spots: $200 each (4 spots)_**
Spots 1-6 rotating____ = $150 a month each
Spots 7-12 rotating___ = $100 a month each
Spots 13-18 rotating__ = $75 a month each_

GAY MOVIE LIST/GAY MOVIE DOME =gml- 50k average___ gmd = 65k average (115k average)MGP's
Big Thumb Spots: $250 each (4 spots rotated at the top of both sites)**
Spots 1-7 rotating____ = $150 a month each
Spots 8-14 rotating___ = $100 a month each
Spots 15-21 rotating__ = $60 a month each

GREEN GAY/COCKSICKLE/BLUE STUDS = 25k average_cs = 35k average_bs = 9k average (69k average)Both
Big Thumb Spots: $150 each (4 spots)**
Spots 1-7 rotating____ = $100 a month each
Spots 8-14 rotating___ = $75 a month each
Spots 14-21 rotating__ = $50 a month each_

SUCK A BONER = 70k average_Spice for Guys = 20k average_Nudes for Dudes = 15k average_ (105k average)Both
Big Thumb Spots: $200 each (4 spots rotated at the top of both sites) **
Spots 1-7 rotating____ = $150 a month each
Spots 8-14 rotating___ = $100 a month each
Spots 15-21 rotating__ = $60 a month each

If you have any questions please e-mail myself steve@gallerytrafficservice.com or Drinkinghard sales@gallerytrafficservice.com
I SALE Traffic!
  • Iphone/Mobile Traffic
  • Banners/Text Links
  • Pre-Paid Gallery Spots
steve a-t* gtsads dot com
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