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Old 04-12-2004, 11:01 PM   #1
jvastine should edit this
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Angry PattyeCake Update


I once again have bad news to share. I t seems that Scott, who runs FetishCash, thought it best in light of everything to fire PattyeCake. That was a cold & cruel move! Ask anyone who knows PattyeCake, she is one of the best, if not the #1 account rep, that any program could ever have. A dedicated & hard working woman, who would give her last dime to help any one of us just got an extremely raw deal. What will you do to show your support for our precious PattyeCake? My heart & support goes out for our precious PattyeCake.

As for Scott/FetishCash, I think that anyone who acts in such a cold & cruel way, does nothing but cut their own throat. I know that I & several others are withdrawing our support. I have only 2 things 2 say to them, however the board lacks the appropriate icons to express it. So simply picture me extending both hands with the middle digits extended upward!

PattyeCake, it always grows the darkest before the dawn. I hope that the new day dawning brings you exceedingly above all that you could ever hope or dream!
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