Hi folks. 1st post here.
Let me clarify a couple things...
jvastine, thank you for being so supportive. I think our convo on ICQ merely resulted in a slight mis-communication. This isn't intended to smack you or anything, btw.
I am poised to put together a benefit for pattye and her family if either the insurance things doesn't work out or the very worst happens. However, at this time she does NOT wish for anything to be done in that regard so I am NOT soliciting anyone. If anyone merely wishes to contribute something, of course I will make sure that pattye receives it - but again I am NOT soliciting for that.
Right now, the #1 thing that PattyeCake needs is our love and support. She has been a gem in this industry and I'm sure many here have been touched by her incredibly huge heart. Rather than monetary support right now, she would much rather receive and appreciate your love and prayers.
If something does happen that warrants this wonderful community's support (G'd Forbid!) you all WILL hear about it, and I know everyone will pull together and do whatever they can to help out.
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and prayers. PattyeCake is an extremely strong woman and I am confident that she will pull thru this difficulty in her life and come back to us with both barrels spitting fire.
btw, been too damned long since I've known about this board to not be posting. I'll try my best to head back often and contribute.