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Old 04-14-2004, 01:45 PM   #26
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Yes... Marketing can be done simply by placing a banner or text ad on a high traffic site. The person who sent you a good many sign-ups has proven it works for them. That doesn't mean that this method will work as well for your other affiliates.

Variety is key. If the affiliates have enough to work with, then they can use the materials in a variety of ways to get people to your site. Some affiliates might have the high traffic sites that they can get away with just banners or text links, other affiliates might be excellent TGP marketers, and then others might be good at the freesites. People find a method of marketing that works for them and they stick with it.

Affiliates basically work for you. They can't do their job so well if their hands are being tied by not having enough material to work with. Think about how many more affiliates you may attract by increasing the marketing material for them. With the affiliate base increasing, your chance for new members just went up.

Guaranteed, you will get affiliates who join who won't produce. You will also get affiliates who join that get the sign-ups for awhile and then their sign-up ratio drops. Then again, you will get affiliates who consistently get sign-ups. But, your affiliate base can not grow unless they are given the right materials and enough materials to do their job. You really never know. You could have a 100 non-producers sign -up and then number 101 could be your marketing gem. Don't limit them because of not having enough material.

Buying content is also an option. This content can be used by affiliates and it can also be placed in your members area.

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