X Nations - View Single Post - neXpectation ANNOUNCEMENT: NEW - TRIALS ON HYPNOTRICK!
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Old 04-15-2004, 07:19 PM   #1
AphEX[NEX] should edit this
I care because you do
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Join Date: Nov 2003
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Ever since neXpectation was launched, our model had been this: On our site's join page, we would offer the full month membership option, and then if surfers left the page we'd offer a 3 day trial. Webmasters were getting pay on BOTH full month memberships AND trials, regardless of if the trials converted or not.

Today, we added another website that you can now create a campaign for, and this site is hypnotrick, but with TRIALS on the join page.

Early tests with offering the trials on the join page have shown that conversion ratios are better.

We worked hard on our members area to ensure retention and that we could give you credit for every trial signup, without changing anything in our payout structure. Retention is the key to run a pay per trial program that is honest, and we achieved it.

Any questions or comment can be sent to me by email, rick@nexpal.com, ICQ#314192589 or phone, 1-866-JOIN-NEX


JUST LAUNCHED! Promote www.audreylive.com
$35/TRIAL, 60/40 partnership, fan signs, free hosting

1000's hosted galleries, dump file feature. GIVE IT A TRY YOU WON'T REGRET! ICQ #314192589
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