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Old 04-16-2004, 01:12 PM   #1
Ozzy should edit this
Citizen X
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Default Gammacash Hosted Galleries Issue

We have updated yesterday our hosted galleries, and the transition didn't go all that well.

Here's the explanation about what happened.

We are updating our hosted galleries so that it's easier to use, and at the same time correcting some flaws that we had in the url we used such as the use of reserve characters like "!" that wasn't compatible with many scripts and tgp's.

So now we have new urls that are much more simple, and don't have such characters anymore. However, we could not simply kill all those old urls otherwise webmasters would have lost lots of revenues so we ended up supporting both the new and old format. However, we had a bug so that none of the the variables following the "?" in the url would be passed over to the links in the template. That was really bad and it's our error and we apologize for that. It was like that since yesterday night and it was fixed this morning.

From now on all the new galleries will be added in the new url format, and we'll still keep on supporting the old one for the galleries already there. If you want to take a look at the new interface for the hosted galleries, it's at http//maximize.gammacash.com/tgp_new/tgp.php

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me. New gallery will be available soon.
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