X Nations - View Single Post - Affiliate programs cancel this fraud NOW!
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Old 04-17-2004, 07:31 AM   #2
monaro should edit this Edit
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Default Re: Affiliate programs cancel this fraud NOW!

G'day Brad,

There are some certain individuals on the net that are totally brainless
to even think that they could scam with credit card fraud, or any sort of fraud or scam to that matter.

Brad, I am glad that you have caught up with this scammer and that you have access to the tools required to prevent any further attempt for such activity. It is great that you have the support of ccbills professional staff.

I also personaly admire Mister X's reply to http://www.xnations.com/showthread.p...ghlight=ccbill for his encouragement to remind us how good a billing service provider ccbill is.

Hope your topic post Brad, puts a stop to people like the person you have pointed out here today.
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