I've learned I can become #1 on phrases I wasn't even going for.
Try TGP blacklist on google....my autosubmitter shows up at top =)
Just a few tips from what I know
a) Don't buy "cloaking" software to try to fool the submitters or to hide your SE pages from other people. The search engines caches copies of your pages so it's just a waste of money
b) Relevancy scoring (imo) has both positive and negative scoring...if meta tags even do have an effect anymore, make sure they're relevant to your site
c) Try to use .htm, .html extensions whenever possible....although my site has done well with php extensions it may have done better on other key phrases if it was listed as a static site (even if I just made .html extentions PHP usable may have helped...but I'm lazy0
d) Get linked on other sites....link popularity seems to have an effect with listings as well
Oh, and in case you didn't know...Yahoo tends to use google's database so get listed well on google, you'll probably be listed well on Yahoo
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