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Old 04-19-2004, 02:36 PM   #1
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Default The Naughty Network Launches Advertising Sales: Introductory Advertising Specials

April 2004, Cyberspace - The Naughty Network ( http://www.tnnw.com ) is a clean surfer-friendly adult entertainment network featuring a variety of free and premium services including photos, videos, games, news, stories, guides, shopping and more. Launched in January of 2004, the network continues to grow and has decided to expand to offering its advertising specials to fit any marketing budget.

"Across our network of sites we power over three million page views per month and can help our sponsors succeed by creating custom campaigns which produce both value and wealth," states Marketing Director and Editor, Cyndalie. "Our newsletter offerings reach over 270,000 opt-in subscribers and produce an excellent return on investment at reasonable rates. In addition to personalized service, all sponsors receive vital campaign statistics and detailed reports. Rates are often negotiable on a CPM or monthly basis.

To learn more about the advertising options offered by The Naughty Network, please visit http://tnnw.com/about/advertise.html or contact Cyndalie direct at cyn@tnnw.com. From economical banner campaigns to a full site sponsorship with a number of beyond-the-banner features, there's traffic to be had so be sure to take advantage of our special introductory rates good through April.

Cyndalie - Cyn@tnnw.com

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