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Old 04-20-2004, 09:13 AM   #6
Sacrifice of Vitor
Sacrifice of Vitor should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Spain, Lanzarote
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I spoke to the doctor, and told him the things I have on mi mind
He decided to give me tablets, and it is what I eat to feel me normal
There is not way of my hands write normal things
My mind dictates the opposite and im laughing all days


No intentes comprender lo que digo o pienso
Nadie lo consiguio antes, estoy acostrumbado
Mi padre era Leonardo , Este soy yo
que importa como escribas si no hay nada en una letra
Forma una palabra para decir mi nombre
¿cual es? no importa nadie lo recordara....
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traeh siht efil ym llA-
yek dna kcol rednu neeb sah
nward erew sniatrouc yM
emoh ta saw ydobon dna
ereht sreggirt, ereh sreggirT-
...em 4 tpecx hgih s`ydobyrevE
t`ndluoc eye fi, daed ffo retteB
......enola be
emia`t ej
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