I think before I really reply to anything I need to make my stance on this "war" known. I am all for liberating Iraq and I am all up for the elimination of Saddam and Bin Ladin but I do not agree with the way the Bush administration handles things or their alterior motives. I believe Bush is nothing more than a lier and an ex coke head who has a short fuse and is pissed someone tried to kill his dad. I also believe he is nothig more than a bible thumper who is willing to manipulate the world in any way he can to suit his beliefs. And we all know the only reason Bush declared the war over was because now the death benifits paid to the families is much much lower since its not war time..isnt that correct Venturi??
As for the abuse and pictures, I was also a Marine but lucky enough to not see any action and from the stories I was told from my Senior in boot camp and from my fellow Marines I am glad of that. The intensity of knowing that at any minute you could die in a hail of bullets comming at you fromt he guns of people who want noghtin more thant o spill your blood would push even the most down to earth person loose his or in this case her mind. I think the people involved int his should be punished but I dont lay the blame 100% on them, they shouldnt be there under the conditions they are. As soon as the war was declared over our people should have been brought home. I really do hope that this shows that Bush and his whole Admin have no care about the people of this country and are just out to line there own pockets.
Vote ANYONE BUT BUSH in 2004