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Old 05-11-2004, 01:15 AM   #31
gel should edit this
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Originally posted by Izzy
OK here are my thoughts, not like anybody cares but I felt like posting my thoughts anyways so nay nay nay

OK for one thing, it is fucked up what has happened BUT what about all the things that they have done to our ppl? Killing thousands and more of innocent people is not right either. There is no justice for that. I am not saying what our soldeirs are doin is right but what happened to us in 9/11 and what happened to the hostages they have had isn't right either. Even tho these prisoners didn't do that themselves, they woulda if they ever got the chance. Something needs to be done to the men who tortured these prisoners and these prisoners families should get something for what has happened to their family members in the prison. I know some may not agree with what I have said but ya gotta try to see both sides of what happened.

What does Iraq have to do with 9/11? There has never been any evidence that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11.

Don't lump all muslims together. Actions taken by Muslim extremists have nothing to do with Iraq. Remeber Iraq was a secular goverment.

Our reasons for going to war in Iraq have nothing to do with the "War on Terrorism"

I think we had just reasons to remove Sadam from power but they had nothing to do with terrorism.
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